Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tears and Fears

Feeling rather down  the last couple of days.  I've sat here and cried over the Oklahoma tornado, lost and found dogs, people on TV going through life crisis and true love. My heart hurts over so much.  I keep thinking true love is out there some where but again not sure where to look.  I just want a partner in life.  Someone to share the ups and downs with.  I would love to show him Mexico, Renn Faires and my friends.  I have so much love to share with someone.  I"m tired an that never makes my emotions go smoothly.  At least the job is starting to clam down.  My boss has given me a few good jobs lately.  I've been pitching in while the new guy is training,  she is letting me train him on his job and will start training on my job in a couple of weeks.  So I feel like I'm doing ok.  My 90 days are up on Sunday.  I should get a 90 day review. I can hope of a raise but doubtful that will happen.