Friday, March 9, 2018

Checking in

Been a while since I posted.  Life has changed a lot since my last posting.  Grandson growing, moving and new job.   I have forgiven my ex who has been the cause of so much pain.  It brought me a sense of peace.  Physically things are about the same but manageable. 

I'm thankful so much for family and friends.  The little boy in my life has been a blessing and a joy.  Right now he is going through the terrible two's but we shall get through this too.

I'm still trying to deal with my Mom issues.  I feel that I wasn't a good person to her when she got dementia.  I could have been kinder and more understanding.  If there is a heaven I hope she has forgiven me when I see her next.  I can't wait to see my Dad.  No matter how old you get you still need your dad and I missed so much with him.

So a positive post tonight,  when I read back on my past posts I was a very sad, unhappy and angry person, and I don't feel like I'm that person anymore.  Years of therapy and medicine do make a difference.