Saturday, September 3, 2011

Old habits

Old habits die hard.  I've been doing very well on moving on and getting rid of the clutter of my old life.  It only took 3 year to get this much progress.   I was reading a book about a woman who found out her husband had cheated on her.  This took me back into areas of my life best left under the rock where I put them.  So today had been a day I'm trying to keep very busy.  Stuff that needed to be done but for one reason or another not done.  I also keep this weekend fairly empty to just try and regroup.  I've been so tired lately --really for about 6 months.  So being drawn back into the past has been a challenge,  I'm pretty durn tired of all the challenges I'm given to gain personal growth.  I was working on my garden trying to tie up my tomato plants and whacked my thumb,  I'm not a carpenter by any means, it throbs.   My fence is coming apart and I'll have to get hold of the fence people and get them to fix it.  These things shall be taken care of and then mo longer a problem, just an annoyance right now.

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