Saturday, January 7, 2012


I'm beginning to think happiness is over rated, or maybe for some but not for others.  I was with friends tonight and I enjoy their company a lot.  One set of friends got married in Dec and had a very nice reception tonight.  I'm happy for them and glad they found one another.  I was around other couples who seem to be very happy,  It's hard since I want to find the person who compliments my life, one who makes me smile and laugh.  I just don't see it happening.  I think I'm ready to have a new person in my life.  I want someone who loves and cherishes me.  Respect is also going to be important.  I may not be the best or brightest but I deserve to be respected.  Lacking in my last relationship so I know I need this in the next one.  I'm so glad for those who have found love in their life but also a bit jealous too

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