Monday, August 22, 2011


I celebrated another birthday over the weekend.  I don't feel my age in a lot of ways.  Folks tell me I don't look my age, this is good.  My daughter, son in law, adopted sister and husband went out Friday night to help me celebrate.  My son texted me on Friday wishing me an early birthday and wanted to go out to lunch on Sat to help me celebrate.  Sat. night I was with some friends I've know for over 40 years and they too wished me happy birthday.  Then I went to a party after Derby Dinner with my group of geek friends.  We had 8 birthdays in our group so they have one party to celebrate all the August babies.  I got to see most of the people important in my life in two days.  My Mom actually called me Friday night and again on Sat. to wish me Happy Birthday.  She often forgot my birthday and my ex started calling her to remind her.  I will admit my feeling were hurt when she forgot my birthday, I'm an only child so it shouldn't have been so hard to remember.

My life coach posted on my facebook a nice quote to look at my past year and do some reflecting.  I had 44 people wish me happy birthday, it was amazing.  I felt the love over the weekend, with cards, phone calls and messages I felt special.

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