Sunday, June 3, 2012

Time passes slowly sometimes

When your trying to heal and get back into the normal life mode, time moves very slowly.  I'm going to a once a year event on Sat.  I don't want to miss it but worry that my energy will run out way too soon.  I think I'll be finding spots to sit and rest.  I hate not being able to do all that I want.  I didn't think this surgery would take so much out and have so much trouble getting it back.  I love the look of my IBT's but still have pain and sores.  I don't get to see the PS for another week and a half.  I hope everything heals ok.  I'm scared of complications and scarring.  So far the blood supply seems to be good to all the areas,  just have some bad spots and sores that aren't healing as well as I would hope.

I talked with my counselor on Thursday and he helped me to understand why I seem to be more depressed.  Hopefully it will lift soon.  This is a bane of my life.  I seem to fall into this in cycles.  I want a different life in a lot of ways,  I want a new job, I want someone in my life who will be my partner,  I want to enjoy life.  This doesn't seem to me to be unattainable, I just need to figure out how.

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