Sunday, June 7, 2015

Random Thoughts running through my mind

Today has been a very quite Sunday.   Had a really good day yesterday going to a Renn Faire with family and friends.  So knew I needed to hang home today.  Got a project I'm working on and it takes a lot of time and I'm on a time crunch with it.  Just looking at the past 6 months and reflecting on the good, bad and ugly.

1.  I've been given a wonderful surprise--I'm going to be a Gram,  never thought it would happen so very shocked when it did.  It changes a lot of how I'm looking at the future.  I wondered what I would do in retirement (7 years and 2 months-give or take) and now know I can help with watching grandchild after school.  This will give their Mom and Dad peace of mind and give me a reason to get up and go every day.  The best part will be knowing the kid,  I want to be a part of their life. 

2.  Still employed.  Job still tough but I'm still there.  It has gotten a little less busy but still working overtime most every day.  Changes are in the air so will see what that does to everything.

3. My Guinness is getting older, I'm worried, she sits and whines, not sure if it is attention needed or she is in pain.  Still eating but not as fast as before.   She hears me and jumps in bed so able to move around and catch me when I open a wrapper. I am not ready for anything to happen to her,  it is going to be very very difficult and I won't be doing well when something happens to her.

4.  Still on track to retire in August of 2021.  I meet with the retirement guy two to three times a year and so far so good.  Car will be paid for August of 2015 and house sometime in 2020-if all goes as I'm planning.

5. Still have good friends and adopted family in my life.  I'm lucky.

6. Heath is good, no surgeries as far as I know this year.  I think I will count laser surgery for my right eye at a surgery and say I've had it for this year.  I keep thinking I will have a year with nothing going on and keep being wrong.

7.  Wonderful Mexican vacation,  first resort that I know I would love to go back to.  Have to see how the prices are for next year, hopefully affordable. 

So when I look over the first 6 or so months of this year it has been positive for the most part.  Still dealing with situations in my life that I don't know how to change but I'm still kicking.

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