Thursday, July 21, 2011

What the heck?

In a fairly good mood most of the day,  still dealing with house selling issues.  The repairman the agent had contacted couldn't come tonight and check it out.  She is going to try to find two other people so we can compare bids.  The repair guy had too many calls today.  I can understand, this house is empty so the walls dont care how hot it gets so if I was a person without air I would want priority   It just makes this stretch out longer.  I don't want the buyers to change their minds.  So that was a bump in the road.

I had some serious therapy on my neck, shoulders, arms and elbows today.  I had an hour with the OT, he worked me over.  I have some pretty bruises on my back, neck and shoulders.  I can't tell on the arms yet.  It hurts at this point to lift my arms.  Hopefully some of the work he did will loosen up the tangles and knots.  I sure hope so. I am in pain most of the time, it is just a matter of degree.  I tell them I'm always a two on the scale with spikes up to 5.  When using your arm to push yourself out of bed gives you a sharp pain it is never good.

So my mood took a dive tonight,  I don't know if it is stress from the house, pain from the body or another one of those trigger days.  I don't know why those days that remind me of my past life keep pricking at my mind.  You would think I would get over it.  I am over it a lot but I guess it reminds me of what I had thought my future was going to be and now I'm remaking it.  I wish I had more in my life, a companion is what I am missing.  Dating is hard and it is very hard to figure out where to start.  Sometimes I wish they had matchmakers -let them put people together and see if it works.
I think I am going to go and count my blessings which are many and good.  Good night world

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