Monday, April 30, 2012

Hit over the head with weariness

I'm on day 17 post surgery and I think this week is harder than the last.  I keep reminding myself that I had major invasive surgery that lasted 4 hours,  so major work with major operating time.  I'm still sleeping on my back sitting up somewhat.  So pain, lack of good sleep and some depression all playing into my mood.  I want to cry but to tired to do it.  Took one of my last two pain pills and getting a little relief but still hurts.  I asked if they could give me something better than advil but less than percocet and the nurse offered to see if the doctor would send some Vicodene to the pharmacy ,I didn't hear nothing today so guess he either wouldn't or she didn't get hold of him.  Now I have to wonder if Vicodene and Loratab are really hydracodine which is something I'm allergic to.  I just want some relief.  I go back to work next week,  I don't know if my energy will be up to the task.:(

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