Sunday, July 8, 2012


I had a great 4th of July party yesterday.  I had a good number of friends come, over 25 and we all talked and ate and tried to stay cool.  Temp's of 105 with all those bodies make the house rather warm.  Everything was good until someone uninvited came.  Some other people I invited to this party are very uncomfortable with this person.  The person has said some really ugly things about one of my friends and has been acting badly.  So I did not include them in the invites.  The couple who was uncomfortable with this person left shortly after he arrived.  After talking with another friend I think I know who invited him.  I really don't know what to do or say should this happen again.  I don't plan on a large party for quite some time so maybe this will work out before that happens.  I feel like I'm in high school sometimes,  although I really understand why some people really don't want to be around him.

I enjoyed giving this party I like to have people over and it was really a low key party.  I didn't have to decorate or anything extra.  So I like to have people around, one of the things that makes me happy.

I'm still dealing with depression,  guess I will talk with my therapist on Tues.  I can guess that some days around this time are trigger points.  anniversaries and breakup dates.  July is full of these and so is August.  I'll get through but man is it hard.

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